Pronominal Verbs

Pronominal Verbs

  • They are a type of verb that requires a pronoun between the subject and the conjugated verb.
  • Infinitives of pronominal verbs always start with Se or S’ when a vowel or a silent h is followed after.
  • Note: Pronouns Me, Te and Se contract to M’, T’ and S’ when a vowel or a silent h is followed after.
  • There are three types of pronominal verbs that should be known:
    • Reflexive
      • The verb is acted upon itself.
    • Reciprocal
      • The verb is acted upon itself and someone else.
    • Idiomatic
      • The verb has a different meaning from its non-pronominal counterparts or does not have a non-pronominal counterpart. 
  • Pronominal pronouns:
2nd TuTe
Common pronominal verbs as:
Se baigner – To bathe (oneself)Se parler – To talk to each otherSe dépêcher – To hurry up
Se doucher – To shower (oneself)Se donner – To give to each otherSe souvenir – To remember
Se brosser – To brush (oneself)Se voir – To see each otherS’amuser – To have fun
S’habiller – To dress oneselfSe dire – To say to each otherSe demander – To wonder
Se lever – To raise oneselfSe disputer – To argue with each otherS’entendre – To get along
Se réveiller – To wake upS’aimer – To love each otherS’ennuyer – To get bored
S’appeler – To call oneselfSe detester – To hate each otherSe débrouiller – To manage

The past

  • To conjugate in the past using pronominal verbs, you must use the auxiliary verb être followed by the past participle of the main verb. 
  • The pronominal pronouns still remain and are placed before the auxiliary verb.
  • Note: Pronouns Me, Te and Se contract to M’, T’ and S’ when a vowel or a silent h is followed after.


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